Prophecy Room

Prophecy Rm June 2020_nolink

Our Prophecy Room is currently being held online. The sessions will take place on the first Saturday of each month. Through these Prophecy Room sessions, we seek to serve those who come by ministering prophetically to them.

All our Prophecy Room timeslots are fully booked until the end of 2024. Registration for 2025 will re-open towards the end of 2024.

A Simple Explanation of the Prophecy Room

Prophetic ministers speak words of encouragement, edification, comfort, and strength in the spirit of 1 Corinthians 14:1, 3:

“Pursue love and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy… He who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men.”

Trained members of the IHOP – One Thing Ministries serve all those who sign up for prophetic ministry. We sincerely desire to hear from the Lord on behalf of those coming for ministry so that they may be encouraged and built up in their faith.

All who minister in the Prophecy Room do not operate in the Office of a prophet, but rather have learned to move in the gift of prophecy, knowing and prophesying in part (1 Cor. 13:9). The prophetic minister’s responsibility is to listen to the Holy Spirit and accurately speak what they hear; the recipient’s responsibility is to judge their words according to the Word of God.

“Do not despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast to what is good.” (1 Thes. 5:20 – 21).

We do not give strong directional words, nor are we looking for darkness or sin in people’s lives. We suggest that recipients not make major decisions based on one prophetic word, but rather pray for divine confirmation of what is spoken and discard anything to which the Holy Spirit does not bear witness.

Make an appointment

The Prophecy Room Online is open to all and ministry is by appointment only. Every session of ministry time is about 15–20min.

All our Prophecy Room timeslots are fully booked until the end of 2024. Registration for 2025 will re-open towards the end of 2024.

For those who have come for previous ministry with us we encourage you to wait on the Lord to speak to you before signing up for another slot. A period of at least a year and a half is advised.

We look forward to ministering to you.

Details of Sessions

Details of the sessions are as follows:

Day: First Saturday of each month (unless otherwise stated)
Dates: 2024: 6 Jan, 3 Feb, 2 Mar, 6 Apr, 4 May, 1 Jun, 6 Jul, 3 Aug, 7 Sep, 5 Oct, 2 Nov, 7 Dec
Time: The first appointment starts at 9:00am. Please state your preference of timing when you make an appointment with us. We will confirm your appointment with you through email.
1) 9:00am – 9:30am
2) 9:30am – 10:00am
3) 10:00am – 10:30am
4) 10:30am – 11:00am


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What time do I log in?

We request that all participants log in on time for the prophecy room session. If your session is at 9:30 am, please log in at 9:30 am.

2. How do I log in?

The Prophecy Room Online will be conducted via the Zoom online platform. A link will be emailed to you upon confirmation of your appointment. Simply click on the link to enter.

3. What can I expect when I log in?

Once you log in, the administrator will admit you into the Ministry Room. A sound/video check will be done to ensure you can hear and be heard.

During this time, you can also ask the administrator any questions you may have with regard to the session.

4. How long will the prophetic ministry take?

The prophetic ministry time normally takes about 15 to 20 minutes.

5. Can I record the session?

Yes, you are welcome to do so via your own audio recorder, but please do not video-record the session. Also, please do not record the session over the Zoom platform.

6. How do I prepare myself for the time of ministry?

Before your session, we encourage you to engage your heart with God. Feel free to worship, pray or read your Bible.

7. How do you minister to families or a group of friends?

We normally minister to families together. If the family is large we may need to split the family up. Please let us know before the session if you are including others in the prophetic ministry session.

Please note that even with more than one person in the room, we will keep to the allocated time given for each timeslot.

8. Will there be a time for other types of ministry?

If the Lord highlights an area of need, e.g. healing from hurtful words, we will seek permission from the recipient to pray for them in this area. We will proceed to minister in prayer to the recipient only if he/she is comfortable with it.

9. What if I have questions after the session?

If you have any questions after prophecy room session, feel free to email us and we will reply to your email within two working days.