Preparation for the Times (Intro) | Online Equipping
In light of the words that God has spoken about this decade of Preparation for the Times, we have put together this online equipping course to start believers on their journey of preparation to become the Daniel 11:32–33 people.
Using Daniel 11:32–33 as a template, this course brings together foundational messages that will equip believers to:
1. Know God
2. Be Strong
3. Carry out Great Exploits
4. Be a People of Understanding
Prayers for Israel and Iran | 9th of Av | 2024
The 9th of Av is a significant date for the Jewish people and Israel. It marks the day the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed, both in 586 BC and AD 70.
In 2024, it begins today at sundown (Monday, August 12) and ends at sundown tomorrow (Tuesday, August 13). With the current situation and threats surrounding Israel, let us pray for the nations of Israel and Iran.
Cosmic Narrative & Warfare Seminar | 4 & 5 Oct 2024
Do you know that behind what is happening across the earth, there is an unseen spirit realm that is operating?
Having the right understanding of both the cosmic and natural narratives is critical for God’s people as we race toward the return of Jesus Christ as it helps us to make sense of what is happening around us.
This seminar will equip the people of God with a foundational understanding of the overarching Biblical meta-narrative and give vital insight into why the world is where it is, where it is heading, how God’s people are to prepare themselves, and how to partner with the Lord in authority to establish His kingdom here on the earth.
Join us for a time of learning, equipping and impartation.
The Word of the Lord for 2024
You are standing at the threshold of the actualisation of My promises for this generation. There is coming the dawning of a new era where My glory and deep darkness will increase and escalate simultaneously (Isaiah 60:1–3). Take heed and watch for the emergence of the Harlot-Babylon as prophesied in Revelation 17 – 18. Do not be troubled but be diligent and intentional in preparing to become My Ekklesia in partnering with Me in the order of Melchizedek to advance My Kingdom and purposes here on earth.
Journey with Us | Build the Fire on the Altar
In this Isaiah 60:1–3 hour of escalating darkness and increasing glory, we are calling singers, musicians, worship leaders and intercessors to give a season of their lives to build the House of God and grow into becoming the Daniel 11:32–33 people.
We invite you to journey with us for 12 months to strengthen and establish an altar of worship and intercession in Singapore for the worthiness of Jesus and for the urgency of the hour. The hour has never been more urgent for the continuous fire of intercession to arise before His throne. It is the only answer for what is to come and more than that, this is the key that will usher in God’s fullness for His people and the nations at the End of the Age.
The Importance of Aligning to God’s Heart for Israel | Article
As we witness the events unfolding in the current Israel-Hamas war, there is a tendency to take sides according to our worldview of events. However, this issue goes beyond who is right and who is wrong; we need to put on the Biblical lens to understand what God wants us to do as Gentile believers. In short, we cannot interpret the Bible based on current events in Israel; we need to interpret what is happening in Israel using the Bible.
As Gentile believers, there are seven non-negotiables that we need to understand and align to when it comes to the issue of Israel.
Weekly Teaching Upload
Teaching recordings are uploaded
every Tuesday.
Next upload: 17 Sep 2024
Daniel 7:1–8: The Four Beast-Kingdoms, the Ten Horns & the Little Horn (Part II)
Prophecy Room Online
5 Oct, 2 Nov, 7 Dec 2024
All our Prophecy Room timeslots are fully booked until the end of 2024.
Registration for 2025 will re-open towards the end of 2024.