The Word of the Lord 2025
2025 will be a season of reprieve — the Hezekiah moment where YHWH is summoning us for a time of consecration, strengthening and preparation so that we will be ready to run with horses (Jer. 12:5).
3 words set the context of the Hezekiah moment: SHIFT, SHAKE and SHAPE.
Our required responses in this Hezekiah moment are: RETURN, RESTORE and REFORM.
The Word for the Season 2025
As a House of Prayer, we gather weekly to hear God for what it is He desires to speak to us for the time ahead. As we receive from Him, we corporately discern, interpret, and put the words together at the end of each year. At the end of the year 2024, this is what we believe God is saying for the coming season.
We are transiting into the Kingdom Age where My people are being prepared to become the John 17 generation to resist and overcome the rising darkness especially in light of the coming Harlot Babylon. This is also an invitation to partner with Me as the David generation that requires preparation in order to be My voice to prepare many to understand the times and season.
Now is the time to be established in the core values and character that I insist on, and to have clarity of My narrative, primarily through My very word. Now is not the time to stay status quo but to recognise that many of the old ways of the past seasons no longer work. Obedience to Me, alignment to My will, being led by the Spirit, and moving in the angelic realm are pivotal for the coming season.
Preparation for the Times (Intro) | Online Equipping
In light of the words that God has spoken about this decade of Preparation for the Times, we have put together this online equipping course to start believers on their journey of preparation to become the Daniel 11:32–33 people.
Using Daniel 11:32–33 as a template, this course brings together foundational messages that will equip believers to:
1. Know God
2. Be Strong
3. Carry out Great Exploits
4. Be a People of Understanding
The Importance of Aligning to God’s Heart for Israel | Article
As we witness the events unfolding in the current Israel-Hamas war, there is a tendency to take sides according to our worldview of events. However, this issue goes beyond who is right and who is wrong; we need to put on the Biblical lens to understand what God wants us to do as Gentile believers. In short, we cannot interpret the Bible based on current events in Israel; we need to interpret what is happening in Israel using the Bible.
As Gentile believers, there are seven non-negotiables that we need to understand and align to when it comes to the issue of Israel.
Weekly Teaching Upload
Teaching recordings are uploaded
every Tuesday.
Next upload: 11 Feb 2025
Word of the Lord 2025 (IV):
The Hezekiah Moment — REFORM
Prayer For Israel
2nd Saturday of Every Month
8 Feb, 8 Mar, 12 Apr 2025
Join us to pray!
Prophecy Room Online
1 Feb, 1 Mar, 5 Apr 2025
Registration open.